Symptom Management Algorithms

Symptom Management Algorithms
Symptom Management Algorithms: A Handbook for Palliative Medicine - 4th Edition, 2019
ISBN-13: 978-1-888444-22-5
ISBN-10: 1-8884-1122-8
This is a book with the core information needed for medical professionals working with hospice, home care, palliative care resource teams, oncology services, and long-term care facilities. As a pocket-sized book that offers symptom management algorithms for hospice and palliative care delivery, it reflects current practice. There is a detailed assessment tool, treatment guidelines, tables and scales for pain management and other distressing symptoms as well as spiritual, psychosocial and dignity conserving interventions for patients and their families facing a terminal illness.

Author - Linda Rede-Seaman, MD

This publication has been selected for the HPNA store based on its relevance to hospice and palliative nursing. The original authors, editors, and publishers are responsible for its content.

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