Compendium of Nursing Care for Serious Illnesses (PDF eBook)

Compendium of Nursing Care for Serious Illnesses (PDF eBook)

Compendium of Nursing Care for Common Serious Illnesses
Third Edition

The Compendium of Nursing Care for Common Serious Illnesses is information on seven common topics: Neurocognitive Disorders, Neurological Disorders, Advanced Heart Failure, Kidney Disorders, HIV/AIDS, Advanced Lung Disease, and Advanced Liver Disease. It is designed to serve as a resource for hospice and palliative nurses to develop an appropriate plan of care for individuals and their families experiencing these diseases. These modules provide an overview of the condition, the incidence of each disease process, the pathophysiology of the illness, appropriate assessment techniques, treatments as the disease progresses and psychosocial implications. Potential ethical, economic and research implications as related to each specific disease process are also discussed.

Phyllis Whitehead, PhD, MSN, CNS, ACHPN®, RN-BC
Constance Dahlin, MSN, ANP-BC, ACHPN®, FPCN, FAA

ISBN-13: 978-1-934654-56-9
ISBN-10: 1-9346-5456-6

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Note: This is not an audiobook; it is an online PDF version of the hard copy textbook. eBooks offer a clickable table of contents and text search. Access this content from your phone, tablet, and computer.

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